ネービス島のピニーズビーチでドキドキの遭遇 The Exciting Rendezvous On The Pinney’s Beach, Nevis!

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もったいない 😭

Pinney’s Beach (Caribbean Sea)

Pinney’s Beach is located on the west side of Nevis and it is a three-mile stretch of quiet shoreline.

Pale beige colored sand continues on and on, and a gentle rhythm of waves calm your soul.

This beach offers a perfect opportunity for a romantic stroll.

Sparkling clear water glistens the shore, and the shallow water is a perfect invitation for the families to join in with snorkels and sand buckets.

Despite my imagining these scenarios that I may come across some families at play here, I did not find anyone on the beach throughout my walk.

It is still off-season here in October, as between May and almost at the end of November, the residents of Northern Hemisphere are enjoying their own weather.

We are also in the midst of hurricane season that affects almost throughout the Caribbean,

The most vacationers tend to wait until Festive Season to come back to the island.

This may be the reason that I had this beautiful place all to my self, but I found it too isolating to be here all alone.

Reluctantly, I shortened my visit on this stretch and returned home.

浜辺がいったん途切れた際にあるのは、どなたかのお宅でしょうか。海にちかっ! The beach pauses at some homes. They are so close to the water’s edge!


ビーチに面したリゾートに泊まると、SUP (Stand Up Paddle 、カヤック、シュノーケルなどを貸し出しすることができます。





ご挨拶したいと、ついて行ったのですが カメラを持っていなかったので、彼がショリショリとお食事の様子とか、ぷっくり頭を出して呼吸をする様子とかを瞼の奥に焼きつけながら、お友達になって下さいと心の声で伝えておきました。





Turtle Encounter

When you are staying in the beachfront resort on Pinney’s Beach, you may rent various non-motorized water sport equipments.

Trying SUP for the first time? No problem!

There are boulders stacked in the ocean, marking the safe area to stay within. You will enjoy gliding along the shore.

The snorkels and kayaks are also popular items to rent.

When you peek into the clear water through your goggle, you find that some parts of seabed is covered by sea grass.

This may be the reason why the ocean has a slight green hue.

The exciting fact is that the grass invites the turtles to come and enjoy the all-you-can-eat buffet!

I was pleasantly surprised that a juvenile turtle didn’t mind my hanging out with him while he enjoyed his lunch.

This darling repeated coming up to the surface for a little breath or two, and diving back down to settle on the sea grass as if creating a nest.

Ill-prepared and without an underwater camera, I commanded my brain to capture the moments and store them in a special drawer.

I sent a fond farewell to this precious turtle as if we had become quick friends.

Next day, the Island Boy and I went to see the famous sunset.

To our surprise, there was another turtle, a little bigger than the one from the previous day, floating around, just hanging out.

He seemed to have a tracking device attached to his shell.

I wondered where he might have journeyed from.

Possibly from our home town, Florida?





Pelican Hunting at Night

At night, the beach is pitch black so we took a little walk on the pier. Peeking into the water, we found a pelican in the middle of his dinner!

He was feasting on some bait fish attracted by the string of small light bulbs attached at the edge of the pier.

The pelican kept circling around looking for the fish. My eyes followed his movement so long, I got dizzy!





「見える? こっち来て」と


でも、一応 「うん!」と返事をしておいて、闇雲に携帯をかざし録画を始めます。




Lurking in the Dark

Despite my love for the wildlife, I have extremely bad eye sight. Even standing face-to-face with a creature, I often do not see it.

On the other hand, the Puerto Rican Island Boy is a natural born fisherman and freediving spearfisherman, as well as a Coast Guard Veteran.

His ability to spot a wildlife is astonishing!

“There, over there!”

“Can you see it? Come this way”

He kindly points out the objects in the dark, but most of the time, I don’t see a thing.

Even so, I answer joyfully, “Yes!” and randomly aim my cell phone and start recording.

明るくした画像をアップしました。実際はもっと暗くて、四角い何かが海底で滑ってる感じ。A brightened version is uploaded here. In reality, I could only make out a blurred square sliding along the ocean’s floor.



私の一番大好きな、Spotted Eagle Ray ではありませんか!



違うで〜 タイガーはしましまやで〜水玉やないでえ〜、と私は一瞬考えてしまい、ちょっとしっかりトーンで、





私たち、お互い外国語で会話してるからね。許してね ❤️

Spotting Spotted Eagle Ray

This is one of the lucky captures of the Spotted Eagle Ray, my absolute favorite!

Restraining my excitement, my hands wrapped tightly around the cell phone and holding my breath, I marveled at its elegant underwater flight.

かっこいい〜。So handsome!
イーグルレイ! Spotted Eagle Ray!



It’s been a quite extraordinary 10 days on the island for me.

I can’t wait for the next exciting wildlife enconter!

ゴイサギ Yellow Crested Night Heron


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20歳で渡米、留学〜就職〜結婚を経て, 娘が大学へ旅立つと同時に、私も再出発を決めました。




Crossing the Pacific at age 20, I built my life in the US. After my daughter took off to college, I decided to start over again alone.

Just as I was about to jump off to my next stage, I reconnected with my former colleague, the Island Boy.

It may seem as if I’m on a roller-coaster ride, but the tranquility fills my heart.

Second time around living on the Caribbean Island, I continue my journey with my heart kinder and wide-open.
